Sunday, 19 April 2009


Day 15 - 'Rest Day'
Rest day, yeah right. After 2 weeks being stuffed full of all sorts, my stomach has thrown in the towel. It's 7.30 am over here and I reckon I've had about 3 hrs sleep having been repeatedly ill all night, unable to even keep water down.

It would be lunacy to attempt the monster stage tomorrow given how I'm feeling now so I'm either going to take the bail-out route or take an extra rest day here.

Off to try and get some sleep now.


  1. That doesn't sound good. Hope you recover quick. I'd suggest that you take an extra rest day anyway, as you'll be totally dehydrated, even if you do feel better the next day
    Hope you shake it off pretty quick - that's the proce to pay for living off an "Elvis Diet" for more than 2 solid weeks

  2. Fra you have been kicking the arse out of it of late so bound to have a set back. You need fluids and rest !

    Look after yourself and remember its not a race a once in a lifetime trip so should be enjoyed....

  3. Hi Fraser,

    Wishing you well and good luck on your adventure. Will follow your journey on your blog. Take care and enjoy youself.

